
Evolution Through Genetic Exchange

A colleague of mine mentioned a 'new' book on Hybrid speciation: Evolution Through Genetic Exchange (Michael L. Arnold). Acutally I found it came out in '06 (hardcover) but was recently released as a softcover. I was a little bit sceptical at first because it didn't really look like a hybrid speciation book, but those concerns are put to rest on the first page where Arnold points out that what he basically genetic exchange means hybridization. He begins by giving a brief treatment of the history of how hybridization (i.e. hybrid speciation) has been marginalized and/or disregarded by established post-synthesis evolutionary thought. Well I haven't finished reading it yet, but so far it's easy to read and I think pretty relevant to the new views on evolution and speciation being passed around. The downside is that the paperback costs an unbelievable 50EUR! Mann! I am getting the library to order this for sure.

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