
Porn? Yuk!

Porn? Yuk! 4 days of over 100 indecent, dirty, inhuman, misogynist flicks in October in Berlin. To be seen with an audience of perverted dirty old men and helpless degraded women. Who wants that? Well, we don’t! That’s why the 4th PornfilmfestivalBerlin will show sexy, daring, edgy, feminist, lesbian, gay, bisexual, straight, transgender and most of all entertaining films about sexuality on 4 days. Aiming at a sophisticated and tolerant audience of self-confident women, progressive men and people who question gender and sexual orientation, who see pornographic films as political, subversive, fun and challenging. In its 4th year the festival team is looking forward to illustrious guests from all over the world, to films that have never been seen before, to a lively audience and to the common denominator of sex: the fun of it!

Yes, the Berlin Porn Film Festival, now in it's fourth year. 22 - 25.10.09

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