Punk, But With Emotion, You Dig?
This is Sandy Miranda (aka Slumpy, aka Laundry, aka Mustard Gas), bass player for the Toronto band Fucked Up (Blog, 2nd Blog, Matador):

Who wudda thunk she'd be part of a hard-core punk outfit (I mean they do have emotion, let's get that clear). I have been listening to their Chemistry of Common Life album for months and I still love it! They are touring and releasing material like mad and apparently in the studios as we speak. To tie you over they link to a 40 minute mix tape on their blog. Be forewarned, it is not new material, but it is a mix tape, and it may make your ears bleed.
They are up for the Polaris music prize this year but they have some serious competition. My other top pick is gonna be K'NAAN. I love Dreamer:
They are up for the Polaris music prize this year but they have some serious competition. My other top pick is gonna be K'NAAN. I love Dreamer:
And also T.I.A. The video itself is absolutely amazing:

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