German for Sissy
German's have some interesting ways of telling men they're sissies. I wouldn't read too much into them, but perhaps they give a clue into the male German psychee. Many are expressions which describe sissy-like actions.
Here are my favourites:
Here are my favourites:
- Warmduscher - Warm-showerer
- schattenparker - Shadow-parker (so your car doesn't overheat)
- foliengriller - Foil-griller (you put your meat on aluminum foil instead of directly on the grill)
- s-bahn-in-fahrtrichtung-sitzer - in-the-direction-of-travel-sitter (as to avoid nausea from looking out the window in the wrong direction)
- sitzpinkler - pee-sittinger
- Joghurt-mit-Löffel-Esser - Yogurt-with-spoon-eater
- Frauen-über-die-Straße-lasser - Women-across-the-road-letter
- bei-gelb-Bremser - Yellow-light-braker
- Frauenversteher - Women-Understanderer
- Sauna-unten-Sitzer - Sauna-under-siter (You sit on the lower level of the sauna where it's cooler)
- Turnbeutel-Vergesser - Sports-bag-forgetterer
- Homobremser - Homo-braker
- Weichei - Soft eggs (eggs = testicles)
- Flachwichser - lousy wanker
- Boxershortsbügler - Boxershorts-ironer
- Muttersöhnchen - Little mama's boy
- Memme - Sissy/coward
- softi - softie
- Lappen/Waschlappen - Wash cloth
- Sissi - Sissy

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