Open Access Petition
Forward Excessively, even if you are not in science, this is an important issue around accessibility and business models of published scientific material.
Dem Bundestag liegt eine Petition zur Kostenfreiheit von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen vor: Link
Wer sie unterstuetzen moechte, kann das noch bis zum 1.12. tun. Wird eine öffentliche Petition innerhalb von drei Wochen nach ihrer Bekanntmachung von mindestens 50.000 Personen unterstützt, behandelt der Petitionsausschuss die Petition in einer öffentlichen Sitzung. Diese Dreiwochenfrist läuft im vorliegenden Fall am 1.12. ab.
A petition regarding the free cost of scientific publications is being presented to the German Federal Parliament (Link).
If you would like to support the petition, you can do so until Dec. 1st. If a minimium of 50,000 people support the petition within three weeks of it's introduction, it will receive public consideration. In this case the three weeks end on Dec. 1st.
Text of Petition
The German Bundestag may decide that scientific publications resulting from publicly funded research, must be accessible free of chargeto all citizens. Institutions which are autonomously conducted by state research funding, are urged to adopt such rules and create the appropriate technical conditions.
According to the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, the public sector supports research and development with about 12 billion euros annually. The results of this research, however, are mostly published in fee-based journals. It is not appropriate that the taxpayer must pay again to access research already funded by them.
Because of the high cost and their large numbers, scientific research journals are available only in a few libraries. To most people, access to the science they fund it not only difficult, but in fact completely closed.
The exclusion of citizens from science is not only dangerous but also unnecessary. Other countries have already implemented similar projects. The US-American National Institutes of Health (NIH) organization requires that all publications of research financed by it are accessible to the public at a central location within 12 months of publication. Thereby, the basic structure of the scientific publication system is not changed.
Ok, will take a few minutes of your time because you'll have to register. It's all in German, but it's not hard! Here's what to do:
On the linked page click registrieren (register).
Then just fill in the fields, they're self explanatory, but you may get stuck on:
Passwort Wählen (choose your password - minimum 8 characters long and cannot be the username or email address).
Passwort wiederholen (repeat your password)
Anrede (title)
Name (your last name)
Vorname (first name)
Straße und Hausnr. (street name and number)
Postleitzahl (zip code)
Ich bin einverstanden (I agree, click on that)
Fill in the funky word game, and you're done. Activate your account through email and then you can sign the petition.
Go back to the website, log on and go to the petition again. In the column "Anzahl Mitzeichnungen" (number of signatures) click on "Petition mitzeichnen". You'll get a big green notice that says "Bestätigung der Mitzeichnung" (confirmation of signing)
At the time of posting they're just over 20%.

Dem Bundestag liegt eine Petition zur Kostenfreiheit von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen vor: Link
Wer sie unterstuetzen moechte, kann das noch bis zum 1.12. tun. Wird eine öffentliche Petition innerhalb von drei Wochen nach ihrer Bekanntmachung von mindestens 50.000 Personen unterstützt, behandelt der Petitionsausschuss die Petition in einer öffentlichen Sitzung. Diese Dreiwochenfrist läuft im vorliegenden Fall am 1.12. ab.
A petition regarding the free cost of scientific publications is being presented to the German Federal Parliament (Link).
If you would like to support the petition, you can do so until Dec. 1st. If a minimium of 50,000 people support the petition within three weeks of it's introduction, it will receive public consideration. In this case the three weeks end on Dec. 1st.
Text of Petition
The German Bundestag may decide that scientific publications resulting from publicly funded research, must be accessible free of chargeto all citizens. Institutions which are autonomously conducted by state research funding, are urged to adopt such rules and create the appropriate technical conditions.
According to the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, the public sector supports research and development with about 12 billion euros annually. The results of this research, however, are mostly published in fee-based journals. It is not appropriate that the taxpayer must pay again to access research already funded by them.
Because of the high cost and their large numbers, scientific research journals are available only in a few libraries. To most people, access to the science they fund it not only difficult, but in fact completely closed.
The exclusion of citizens from science is not only dangerous but also unnecessary. Other countries have already implemented similar projects. The US-American National Institutes of Health (NIH) organization requires that all publications of research financed by it are accessible to the public at a central location within 12 months of publication. Thereby, the basic structure of the scientific publication system is not changed.
Ok, will take a few minutes of your time because you'll have to register. It's all in German, but it's not hard! Here's what to do:
On the linked page click registrieren (register).
Then just fill in the fields, they're self explanatory, but you may get stuck on:
Passwort Wählen (choose your password - minimum 8 characters long and cannot be the username or email address).
Passwort wiederholen (repeat your password)
Anrede (title)
Name (your last name)
Vorname (first name)
Straße und Hausnr. (street name and number)
Postleitzahl (zip code)
Ich bin einverstanden (I agree, click on that)
Fill in the funky word game, and you're done. Activate your account through email and then you can sign the petition.
Go back to the website, log on and go to the petition again. In the column "Anzahl Mitzeichnungen" (number of signatures) click on "Petition mitzeichnen". You'll get a big green notice that says "Bestätigung der Mitzeichnung" (confirmation of signing)
At the time of posting they're just over 20%.

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