

BioMedExpert is another site which maps out networks and connections between people. You can put in a persons name and out comes a network of all their coauthors and their coauthors coauthors, the thickness of the line is the number of shared publications. That is a bit of a pain to navigate and you can't zoom in and if you click on a name it just reorients the map with that person as center. It would be more useful if it took me to a pubmed listing of all the coauthored papers or took me to the BioMedExpert page for that person.

But one really useful feature is the Concept Network when you search for a keyword.

This is a zoom of the map detailing locations of researchers associated with the tag "DNA Damage". When I click on a location, I will get a list of the researchers in each place and the number of PubMed citations.

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