
Forward excessively

The Hidden Cameras, who are basically just short of orgasmic and probably my favourite band of all time, are coming out with their fourth album Origin:Orphan in September.

You can already download the first single Walk On at the Arts & Crafts homepage!

a tip o the hat to Music is my Boyfriend mailing list. Is it a strange cosmic coincidence that I wore my Music is my boyfriend t-shirt yesterday? Strange.

oh, and here is the track listing:

1. Ratify the New
2. In the NA
3. He Falls to Me
4. Colour of a Man
5. Do I Belong?
6. Walk On
7. Kingdom Come
8. Origin:Orphan
9. Underage
10. The Little Bit
11. Silence Can Be a Headline

via tiny mix tapes. And just for the record the Maritimes are Eastern.

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