
Profi and Mock Fish

This is the American cover for the new book by Neil Shubin (of Tiktaalik fame).

...and this is the British cover (!):

They are amazingly different and I can only guess as to the reason. Perhaps in a very Evolutionary skeptical society like the Americans it is important to present the book as very intellectual and thus showing the model Tiktaalik on the cover. Over all it is more profi looking as well. The British one looks like a throw back to retro style and much more appealing to mass markets, is it because the Brits and Europeans will be in general more accepting and inherintely interested in the topic than the Americans. I wonder what the Canadians will get.

Oh, and that "Inner" fish on the British cover comes close to looking like the Jesus fish. Come to think of it, I wonder if it's British humour that makes the cover a mock of a popular religious or self help book.

Oh, and also: Zimmer has a review in this issue of Nature.

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